Work With Me

1:1 Coaching

A SIx-Month container for those willing to commit their lives to presence, connection, and expression, by learning to transform pleasure and pain into ecstasy

Here's what you get:

  • A personalized Jyotish reading, Ayurvedic consultation, and Vedic Meditation Mantra and Initiation into Kriya Yoga for an individualized sadhana.

  • The class is delivered over six months.

  • Ancient Yogic Meditation and Breathwork Techniques.

  • Unleash blocked emotions and find internal clarity using holistic health, yogic and creative therapy techniques

  • Expressive Art Therapies from a trained therapist

  • Personal Practice anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours daily

  • Continuous Reiki Healing, Akashic Records Readings, and Intuitive development throughout the container together

  • Practices to heal the nervous system so that you can develop grounding and patience and remain present for both pain and pleasure

  • Learn how to use the elements to alchemize your energy, and emotions, and learn to respond to life as opposed to simply following pleasure and avoiding pain.

  • Complete follow-along progressive downloadable worksheets, which offer in-depth knowledge of the teachings, and other educational tools and resources.  ​​

  • A dedicated teacher whose whole sole purpose is to make your experience as best as it can be, honoring your mental and emotional wellbeing and your spiritual growth. You’ll never be more than a few hours away from the answers you desire most. 

  • An instant global network of spiritually inclined empaths, creatives, and entrepreneurs, where students support each other, ask and answer questions, and create friendships that last a lifetime.  

  • I take 15 years of personal study and a lifetime of spiritual teachings accelerated for you, so you can jump timelines in your personal and creative growth and use your sensitivity powerfully.


None of this requires time away from your business, family, or obligations. Nor does it require you to live in an ashram. Or travel the world seeking shamans and healers... to get these changing insights into your health and wellbeing. 



Lexi is a beautiful soul sister of mine and has the upmost respect and love for her world and the world around her. She is SO knowledgeable in Yoga, Tantra, and Meditation. The practices she has taught me has brought me deeper into my personal embodiment, my emotional intelligence has skyrocketed, and my relationships are filled with love. - Maddie Phillips


Lexi is one of those souls that gets deep into your heart, she has so much curiosity and love in what she does, always learning and exploring different paths that help her grow and be the incredible person and teacher that she is, she has the knowledge from different schools and experiences, she has the passion to share it, and she is so honest and true to herself and others. I recommend her as a teacher, and as a beautiful soul to have in your life - Atalia Galina


After traveling outside of the US for the first time and navigating a massive transformational retreat here in Bali, I found myself quite overwhelmed with the major shifts and my nervous system was greatly stressed as a result.

Through divine synchronicity, I was placed in contact with Lexi for her Reiki services and she MASSIVELY supported my integration into this new timeline. The session was very gentle in nature and Lexi embodies a very powerful charge that I could feel as she shifted energy through my body. I found myself gradually drifting deeper and deeper into surrender, as my nervous system calmed and my mind became clear.

After the session, Lexi delivered some very potent transmissions from Source that have been supporting me along my pathway ever since the session. If you’re looking for a conscious, heart-centered, and loving soul to support you here in Bali then I seriously can not recommend Lexi enough!!! What you will receive far exceeds the investment you will make. - Kevin Dallas


Yep, there’s more, You get to be spoiled here.

Bonus Gift: Kriya Initiation

​These ancient teachings have exclusively been shared from Guru to Disciple throughout the Himalayas. These tantric practices are backed by scientific evidence to help you release subconscious thought patterns and repressed emotions so that you can integrate your shadow-self and live the life you desire. The kriya initiation generates internal electricity so you can shift your energy, thought patterns, emotions, and level of consciousness within minutes.

Retail value: Priceless

Bonus Gift: Jyotish Reading 

You get to receive a personalized Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) Reading by me. This process will give you insight into your soul’s blueprint, unconscious patterning, past life karma, and health, career, and relationship growth.


Retail value: $500

Bonus Gift: Mantra Meditation

You’ll get a personal mantra to meditate on daily. This practice is great for both beginners and for those of you who have a background in meditation. You will be introduced to Vedic meditation practices that are designed to bring you to an elevated state of consciousness. These ancient meditation practices are in sanskrit so you can rewire neural pathways and raise your vibration.

Retail value: Priceless

Bonus Gift: Kriya Instructables

You will get downloadable PDF Instructables which map out the kriya practices, the meanings of the mantras we use, and the intentions behind them. Not only that but you will also get written PDFs that describe all of the necessary adaptations for each practice, so you always know how to access your inner peace.

Retail value: $500

Bonus Gift: Live Q + A Session

You will get live Q + A sessions with me to answer any of your questions regarding tantra, kriya yoga, yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, mantras, art therapy, kundalini, consciousness, and any other topics we go over, or relevant topics you are curious about. You’ll get to the source of yoga within minutes instead of traveling to the Himalayas and praying for teachers to show you the way.

Retail value: $1000

Bonus Gift: Your Soul-Tribe / Community of Like-Minded People

It’s been said that you become most like the 5 people you hang out with the most. Well, lucky for you, you’ll now have a conscious community of like-minded yogis, meditators, and expanded leaders to rub elbow with and elevate your consciousness with new life-long friendships.

Retail value: Priceless

Bonus Gift: Sensuality Meditations

Sensuality meditations are taught to bring you back into your body, so you can release the components of the mind and return to who you are. You will develop greater sensitivity around your own energy, the energy of others, and get grounded in the five senses of our three-dimensional world, a great tool to release any thoughts and get embodied!

Retail value: $500

Fast Action Bonus Gift: Intuitive Reiki Healing

If you sign up on the pre-qualifying call, you are eligible for a FREE Intuitive Reiki Healing. Lexi is a medical intuitive, which means that her reiki and energy healing works with the human body, mind, and subconscious psyche. Her gifts have developed so that she can see into your energy field and work with your inner child, your organs, blocked energy centers, and channel herbs and holistic lifestyle shifts so that you can step into alignment with your soul’s purpose. Her readings have had a freaky %100 accuracy rate so far, and have guided hundreds of students deeper into their personal evolution.

Retail value: $500

(1:1 coaching starts as a 5-figure offer)